A free and responsible human being, capable of assuming his own project of life, integrating in it his aspirations and desires, his real possibilities and duties.
A person seeking a meaning for his life and tending toward his human maturity, integrating the different elements of his personality.
A person opening his life to transcendence, and assuming his individual, cultural and social reality.
A person in harmony with nature and helping the people find in it their common home.
In his spiritual dimension
A person whose spiritual dimension grows on a human basis that lets him to observe and enter into dialogue with those living other cultural and religious options.
A person acknowledging God as a Father, called to live in a filial relationship with Him and in a fraternal one with all.
A person assuming the true human values: fraternity, peace, justice, total liberation of human being, truth and mercy and trying to incarnate them in his own history and experience and to live them with others.
In this community dimension
A person opened to others, aware of the value of others and able to build up the community through his contribution.
A person with a right capacity of judgment, able to dialogue and work with others in a climate of respect, solidarity and tolerance
A person knowing how to be responsibly integrated in the community at all levels (local, national, international), contributing to its improvement.
A person rooted in the culture of his people and at the same time, opened to the cultures and problems of his time and of the world.