Students are protagonists of their own development, helped by their family and teachers. It is very important that the students feel themselves appreciated and are involved in their own development, as well as in that of their companions and environment, in order to achieve a complete education.
Students, along with their teachers, strive to make the school years become one of the most significant experiences of their life.
All students must equip themselves with a complete outfit of everything that is necessary for their studies. They must use their own material and be responsible for their safety. The school will not take itself responsible for books, gold ornaments, money, clothes and other articles that are lost.
No student should absent himself/herself from the school without leave of absence, except on a written note from parents or guardians in the handbook for genuine reasons. In case of prolonged illness, the Headmaster/Principal should be informed with a medical certificate. No child who has been absent from the class will be admitted unless he/she brings a note from the parents or guardian stating the reason for the absence.
It is mandatory to report the first day of school. Those who absent themselves without prior notice will invite disciplinary action.
Irregular attendance at school, habitual laziness, disobedience or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school, in or outside the school, are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.
Any student, who is found to have caused damage of any kind in the class or the premises of the school, will have to make good the damage done.
Every student must possess a copy of the Hand book which is to be brought to the class on all school days. No student is permitted to tear any page from the Hand Book. Breach of this rule will be dealt with severely.
During the absence of the teacher, students shall not leave the classroom of their place or make noise. They will listen to the monitor’s instructions, and keep silence and order in the class.
Any student coming late may not enter the classroom unless he/she brings to the teacher a note from the Headmaster/Principal. Habitual late comers will be sent back home.
Late comers shall not enter the class, but report themselves to the Principal / Teacher-in-charge. Habitual late coming will be seriously viewed.