The curriculum for the Upper Primary Stage and Secondary Stage covers English, Hindi or Kannada (Second Language), Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Under Science) History & Civics, Geography (under the subject History, Civics and Geography) and Computer studies.
English will be the medium of institution (first language) at this stage students concentrate on oral and written by their own in an ambiance which makes them creative as well as brings out their innate ability. This leads to appreciate, differentiate and cultivate the ability of critical vision in literature and develops an interest in language. Mathematics explained in easy language like puzzles, games and illustrated through examples which students learn Maths with more interest.
Science at this staged divided into different branched based on the subject study like Physics, Chemistry and Biology. From the basic aspect along with life experience it is explained that develops the relevance of their knowledge of their living environment.
In social Studies focus on History, Civics and Geography to learn about the past by creating a sense of historical diversity and of human values. Computer knowledge will enable students to update themselves to present technology and its applications.
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