The Institute of the Brothers of the Holy Family, was founded in the diocese of Belley by Brother Gabriel Taborin, it is a religious Institute of Brothers, of a lay character, of pontifical right, approved on August 28, 1841. (Constitutions 1)
Gabriel Taborin Poncet was born on November 1, 1799 in Belleydoux, diocese of Belley (France). At that time, France was experiencing the end of the revolutionary process that ended the Old Regime. Hostilities towards the Church had ceased and the favorable environment for living religion with freedom was progressively expanding. In this historical framework, rebuilding parish life and valuing education as a means of human and Christian promotion, Brother Gabriel Taborin founded the Congregation of the Brothers of the Holy Family in 1835.
The Congregation or Institute was approved by Pope Gregory XVI in Rome in 1841. Brother Gabriel’s intuition was that his religious should be Brothers at the service of the parishes and peoples, in the functions of teachers, catechists and animators of the liturgy. A mission lived by him since his youth in some places, among which is his hometown.
This was the intuition that led him to found an Institute of Brothers, the Brothers of the Holy Family. Pope John Paul II, on May 14, 1991, declared Brother Gabriel Taborin “Venerable”.
“All the members of the Institute are Brothers and bear this name. They are called to be brothers of Christ, brothers to each other, brothers to every man by witnessing the charity of Christ towards all.
(Constitutions 4)
Our religious life as a Brother has its roots in the very message of the Gospel: “You are all Brothers.” (Mt. 23.12).
It is about accentuating and bearing witness in the midst of the world to the strength of fraternity, the witness to the values of the Gospel and the radical imitation of the historical way of life of Jesus.
Brother Gabriel assumed this condition of Brother and died as Brother despite the strong influence of the clericalization of the Church at that time. He wrote to his Brothers: “You bear the sweet name of Brothers, do not allow them to call you otherwise. The names of dignities inspire and command respect; this, on the contrary, only suggests simplicity, goodness and charity ”(Br. Gabriel. Guide art. 112).
“The Brothers contribute to carrying out the plan of salvation through the spirit proper to the Institute, which is the spirit of the family. This spirit derives from the vital ties that united the members of the Holy Family of Nazareth and whose primary source is the Holy Trinity ”.
(Constitutions 11)
We Brothers live in Community, led by our own way of living the Gospel and of proclaiming it. Our relationships are based on the “family spirit” that we live wherever we are.
We were inspired by the family life of the Holy Family in Nazareth. The response that Jesus, Mary and Joseph gave to the Father through prayer, work and love lived in everyday life invites us to live it in today’s circumstances. Therefore, we Brothers are called to update and prolong the family dynamism of Nazareth, with a simple and active life, in all the circumstances of our life.
“The Brothers are open to the needs of the local Church. They participate in its pastoral work Mainly through Christian education, catechesis and liturgical animation ”.
(Constitutions 16)
The Brothers of the Holy Family are very aware that for us, the apostolate is a consequence of our generous dedication to God that is prolonged in men. The Brothers sharing the charism of the Founder, V. Brother Gabriel Taborin, have been called to evangelize in the local Church, especially in three areas that were loved and lived by him:
Thus, our Communities of Brothers carry out an apostolic work that helps to grow as individuals and as Christians: educating in schools, colleges and professional workshops; collaborating in schools for catechists and pastoral; teaching catechesis in parishes, schools or youth groups; animating the liturgy in parishes and shrines; and accompanying and training young people in houses of formation.
“We want to hear the current call of the Church that invites us to commit ourselves to the New Evangelization through education, catechesis, liturgy and care for the family.”
(37 General Chapter)
Our apostolate today is supported by the entire Sa-Fa Family, in which they participate: Brothers, Nazarene Fraternities, Teachers, Catechists, Christian Communities, Parents’ Associations, Solidarity Associations and Activity Monitors. Nazareth is a model and strength for all.
The General and Provincial Chapters update the charism to the new realities and needs in order to continue giving answers to the man of today from the Gospel.
Our apostolate today is supported by the entire Sa-Fa Family, in which they participate: Brothers, Nazarene Fraternities, Teachers, Catechists, Christian Communities, Parents’ Associations, Solidarity Associations and Activity Monitors. Nazareth is a model and strength for all.
The General and Provincial Chapters update the charism to the new realities and needs in order to continue giving answers to the man of today from the Gospel.
© Holy Family School Bangalore 2025